
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
LOA Daily - The Relief And Release That Accompanies Instant Self-Healing
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
The Relief And Release That Accompanies Instant Self-Healing
Ami couldn’t join us today because of a family matter that came up. So
we’ll be discussing out of body experiences next week instead of this week.
However, that doesn’t mean that we lacked good material for this week.
Louis relates a story of how he got quite sick the night before today’s
podcast recording session, then put to use many of the tools in his
toolkit to heal himself instantly. Yes, one moment he was pretty sick,
and the next moment he was healed, and he KNEW he was healed!
This is what happens when one finally learns to live nearly all of the
time in a high-vibrational state while simultaneously appreciating the
value of contrast.
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