
Friday May 20, 2022
LOA Today - Betrayed! with Dr. Debi Silber
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation
Institute and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal
development expert, the author of the #1 bestselling book: The
Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a
Life Crisis and her newest book: Trust Again: Overcoming Betrayal and
Regaining Health, Confidence and Happiness.
We do a deep dive into the five steps of transformation, and it’s a
great presentation.
You’ll walk away with a much better idea about why you have blocks and
resistance points, regardless of whether you have experienced a betrayal
in your life or not!
Dr. Debi’s website (including access to her upcoming 5 day intensive
program): https://thepbtinstitute.com/
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