
Friday Aug 07, 2020
LOA Today - Michele Blood Visits LOA Today
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Michele Blood Visits LOA Today
Michele has hobnobbed with some of the biggest names in the industry:
Bob Proctor, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and others. But as
we discover in our interview with her today, she’s more than just a
high-flying celeb. She actually has an important story to share about
her own journey from the depths of depression to the heights of a joyful
and abundant life. She also has a FREE GIFT for all of our listeners,
including Michele’s new book, The Magic Of Affirmation Power that you
can get FOR FREE by visiting http://micheleblood.com/yourdailydose/
Michele was hurt in a terrible accident just when her singing career was
taking off in the late 1980s. She was laid up in the hospital for
months, was given a horrible prognosis, and fell into a deep depression.
In the depths of her depression, someone popped a cassette tape of Earl
Nightingale reading Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich into a cassette
player. She couldn’t move anyway, so she was sort of forced to hear it.
But when he got to the part where Hill describes healing his newborn son
of congenital deafness over a period of years, it gave her hope for her
own recovery.
What followed, as happens so often in cases where people experience such
high levels of trauma, was a series of miracles that catapulted her into
a lifestyle she had never dreamed was possible. Her story will inspire
and delight you.
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