
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
LOA Today - On Being Worthy
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
On Being Worthy
Cindie receives a letter from a listener asking us to do a deep dive on
the topic of being and feeling worthy.
Jody wrote in to say:
Hi Cindie, I love listening to you on LOA Today. I have a suggestion for
a show topic. (I am a relatively new listener so apologies if you have
done this one before.)
I would love if you did a show about being/feeling "worthy". A lot of
the shows touch on the topic, but I would really benefit from a deep
dive into the subject. I've discovered my feelings of unworthiness are
entrenched from childhood, causing me feelings of defensiveness,
misdirected anger, and guilt. I would love an LOA Today episode that
would help us listeners unravel all that.
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this link: https://www.loatoday.net/download