
Thursday May 07, 2020
LOA Today - Our Primary Relationship
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Our Primary Relationship
We often think about our relationship with our partner as being our
primary relationship, but in truth our primary relationship is the one
we have with ourselves.
Cindie and Walt talk about some of the things we can do to help
ourselves get through these trying times much more easily.
Cindie tells a story about a couple who went ballistic on Cindie and her
husband Scott for having the temerity to drive around the couple while
they were discussing things next to a golf cart in the middle of the
street. For Cindie, it was an opportunity to practice choosing how she
was going to respond to such a situation rather than doing the typical
knee-jerk fighting back response.
She also gives a really good suggestion about how to take advantage of
sleep to bring needed solutions to us during our waking hours.
And Walt tells how he unwittingly uses sleep to get himself to stop
focusing on what he doesn’t want!
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