
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
LOA Today - 08.02.18
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
We Influence Others By Changing Our Perspective
Someone posted a question on Facebook about how to get someone to call you. This kind of simple question gets asked in many different ways every day. Joel and Walt discuss what's involved with that perspective and what changes a person with that perspective needs to make in order to get more of what they want in life.

Thursday Jul 26, 2018
LOA Today - 07.26.18
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
No One Can Make You Feel Anything Without Your Consent
Joel posted a meme on his Facebook timeline with a picture of Eleanor Roosevelt that said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Joel and Walt expand the point to discuss whether we can feel anything at all without our consent. In other words, can someone make us feel one way or another about anything?

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
LOA Today - 07.19.18
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Perspective: Use It or Lose It
Joel and Walt come up with this topic at the last second before the broadcast, and it turns out to be just what the doctor ordered for Walt in an unexpected way.

Thursday Jul 12, 2018
LOA Today - 07.12.18
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
When People Ask, "What Do You Do?"
Answer: "Whatever it takes to change your perspective." Joel and Walt discuss.

Thursday Jul 05, 2018
LOA Today - 07.05.18
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Managing Other People's Happiness Will Rob You Of Your Own
So what should we do instead? Joel and Walt discuss.

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
LOA Today - 06.28.18
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Visit From a Psychic Friend
Jill Kneer, a friend of David's who visits us on tonight's show, shares some of her background with EFT (tapping) and psychic mediumship.

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
LOA Today - 06.21.18
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
I Have So Little Money with No Improvement In Sight (from The Astonishing Power of Emotions, Part II)
This is probably the #1 concern people have when they explore the Law of Attraction for their own lives, so we'll see if we can slay the dragon.

Thursday Jun 14, 2018
LOA Today - 06.14.18
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
My Friend Talks About Me Behind My Back (from The Astonishing Power of Emotions, Part II)
In this 11th example, Abraham says, "If you spend much time trying to figure out why she is doing this, you will only hold yourself in the vibration of it longer and begin to attract more of it, until you may find yourself with more than one friend behaving this way." David and Walt discuss.

Thursday Jun 07, 2018
LOA Today - 06.07.18
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
I Am A Teenager (from The Astonishing Power of Emotions, Part II)
"We know that it feels to you as if it is [your parents'] behavior that is causing your discomfort, but if you can come to the realization that you do have options about their behavior, then and only then will you discover a sense a freedom right where you stand," says Abraham. David and Walt discuss.

Thursday May 31, 2018
LOA Today - 05.31.18
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Since My Father Died, I Can't Find My Balance (from The Astonishing Power of Emotions, Part II)
When we experience the death of a parent, it knocks us out of balance because it brings our past back to mind, and if that past is substantially different (from a vibrational perspective) from our present, then the result is to be knocked out of balance. The way back to balance is to do the process of replacing "upstream" thoughts with "downstream" thoughts.