
Friday Mar 25, 2022
LOA Today - Angel Lady with Sherri Leigh Myers
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Sherri is a friend of Debbie G’s, and she joins us today to talk about
the grassroots launch her team is planning with their film, Angel Lady,
to include screenings for groups dedicated to creating release programs
for women out of prison.
Here’s the website: https://angelladymovie.com
To join the book club: sheri@angelladymovie.com
Subscribe to the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe

Friday Mar 18, 2022
LOA Today - Karin Tydén Hacks The Subconscious Mind
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Karin is the 2022 winner of the Independent Press Award for her book,
Mind Hacking for Rebels: A Practical Guide to Power and Freedom.
She shares with Walt and Alyx today her very insightful and highly
useful approach to understanding the subconscious mind, along with what
it takes to break through those "limiting beliefs" and other influences
from our younger years that no longer serve us.
As Walt told Karin after the show, her approach is one of the best
approaches to understanding that subconscious mind that he has ever
heard in nearly 10 years of doing the podcast. So you're in for a treat
Karin's website: https://www.karintyden.se/en-GB/
Dan Mangena had technical issues, but he'll be back next week.
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Friday Mar 11, 2022
LOA Today - The Eclectic World Of Branch Isole
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
First, we welcome a huge new influx of listeners who have recently
discovered the podcast. So welcome! We’re glad you are here.
Next, Dan learns about this new influx of listeners and how it was his
book, Money Game, that brought many of them in.
At Walt’s request, he recounts the story about how Money Game came about
in the first place.
Then Alyx tells us a cool, new manifestation story about how she and
Kenny manifested a new car, it turned out to be something of a lemon,
but then they were able to trade it in for a beautiful new car at a
ridiculously fabulous price!
Branch Isole, our special guest today, is the author of 22 books, but
that statement barely scratches the surface of this complex guest. To be
honest, I don’t know what to make of him. He is into relationships,
poetry, mind, body, spirit, erotica, Christianity … the list goes on. So
I thought the only solution was to bring him onto the program and find
out what he’s all about.
Branch’s website: https://www.manaopublishing.com/
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Subscribe to the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe

Friday Mar 04, 2022
LOA Today - Donna Tashjian Turns Baggage Into Luggage
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Donna is a Life Mastery Coach sharing keys to turn our baggage into
luggage to live the life of their dreams. She has been coaching and
mentoring for over 25 years. She also produces a podcast is called “You
Were Designed for Greatness” and has written 4 books. Her clients say
she has a knack for turning fear into excitement and exposing lies so
the truth can shine through.
During the show today, we explore some of the central principles that
she focuses on with clients in her practice.
In the process, we learn that Donna has a very down-to-earth, factual,
results-oriented approach to helping people to get through their tough
times to get to their times of thriving.
She has a very different take on what reason is. For her, reason is a
confluence of mind and heart working together, a whole person approach
to thinking, rather than a sterile, logic-oriented approach to thinking.
The whole concept about baggage and luggage for her is that baggage is
the collection of all the excuses we carry with us, whereas luggage is
what we carry in order to get to where we’re going.
If you’re interested in her upcoming workshop, visit her website at:
Dan had a conflict today, but he’ll be back next week.
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Friday Feb 25, 2022
LOA Today - A Short Visit With Robert Riopel
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Robert returns to the show for a second, albeit short visit. He
accidentally double-booked a client today and had to leave halfway
through the show.
Dan similarly had to bug out halfway through, and Alyx couldn’t make it
at all because of an Internet outage.
But while the guys were on the show together, we got a really good taste
of just how much on the same page the two of them are about how they got
to where they are today and what they teach to their clients.
Plus, we verified that Robert’s wacky sense of humor fits in beautifully
with the rest of the Thursday crew!
Anne-Marie Young jumped in to help finish up the show after Walt shared
some promo messages solo, so all was well.
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Friday Feb 18, 2022
LOA Today - The Loving Power Of Your Soul, with Dr. Phillip Mountrose
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Dr. Phillip Mountrose and his wife, Dr. Jane Mountrose, are authors of
more than a dozens books, most of which discuss EFT, Emotional Freedom
Technique, also known as “tapping”.
He shares some of his early history with us, and then delves into their
latest book, The Loving Power Of Your Soul.
They offer a free “Light Worker Healing Resource Kit” that is available
at https://tinyurl.com/spiritual-kit
It includes some materials from the book, along with an uplifting EFT
energy-healing “Happy Tap” video that you’ll enjoy.
Lots of free materials are available on their website at:
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Friday Feb 11, 2022
LOA Today - Dan’s Kickstart Program
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
It’s the usual conversation that goes all over the place today, but we
do spend a large portion of the show talking about Dan’s Kickstart
program, as well as some of the other programs he and his team offer.
Plus poor Alyx has a devil of a time staying connected with the studio.
It becomes quite funny by the end of the episode.
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Friday Jan 28, 2022
LOA Today - A Visit From Beau Maxwell
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Okay, this was just plain fun.
Beau Maxwell is the creator of The SAGE Method, a course dedicated to
helping people to develop that natural sixth sense we are all born with
but most of us have long blocked or covered up.
She tell us her story about how as a spiritual atheist she was
confronted one day by the impish spirit of her departed grandmother.
It led her to a meeting with a spirit guide, and when she asked what he
was here to tell her, suddenly the entire world of Source Energy started
to open up for her.
She has made it her mission in life to help people who are ready and
willing to be helped to navigate their own, unique connection with the
other side.
And if along the way she has a blast living her new, highly connected
life … well, that’s something she can live with.
Her course starts enrollment on February 1st.
Don’t wait to sign up, because it will be closed long before February 14th.
Here’s her link: https://thesagemethod.com/
Subscribe to the LOA Today podcast: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe

Friday Jan 07, 2022
LOA Today - Curing The Generational Curse
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Well, we really don’t cure it, but we do briefly describe the parameters
of it.
After all, we really didn’t have a topic.
Daniel thought it would make a good title for a podcast with no topic,
so we’re going with it.
Walt did surprise Daniel, however … shocked him really with what he knew
about the Harry Potter franchise that Daniel didn’t know.
Yes, Walt does occasionally watch a movie or a TV show … not often, but
And despite not having a topic, we did a lot of laughing. And really,
isn’t that what it’s all about?

Friday Dec 17, 2021
LOA Today - A Visit With Donna Ferguson
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Neo brings Donna to the show today.
Although he couldn’t join us himself due to a sketchy wi-fi connection
in his lheocation, he was able ultimately to join us in the livestream chat.
Donna is a professional life coach.
She grew up the hard way as a teenager who ended up marrying a “bad boy”
and suddenly found herself being beaten to a pulp in the middle of a
physically abusive relationship.
The amazing part is that she managed to emerge from that experience
without feeling like she was a victim.
She tells that story, plus makes some announcements about some upcoming
events she has scheduled for 2022.
These include a 21-Day Challenge that starts in January.
And there will also be a Law Of Attraction Summit sometime around May 2022.
Find her via her website: https://uniquevibrations.com/
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