
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
LOA Today - Boundaries
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
A listener wrote in to ask us to discuss boundaries, so we devote the
entire episode to that topic. Really good stuff!
Also, if you would like to contribute your own gratitudes to our
Thanksgiving gratitudes episode, click here to record a selfie video of
yourself talking about what you’re grateful for this holiday season, and
we will include your gratitudes in the episode!
Visit: https://www.loatoday.net/gratitude

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
LOA Today - Rhiannon Smith - Tarot, Reiki, and Law of Attraction Coach
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Rhiannon Smith - Tarot, Reiki, and Law of Attraction Coach
Cindie took the day off to celebrate her wedding anniversary, so Walt
brought onto the show a listener who is also a coach in her own right.
Rhiannon Smith is a professional tarot reader, Certified Reiki Master
and Certified Law of Attraction Coach.
She combines tarot reading guidance with the powerful creative
techniques she has learned as a law of attraction coach, as well as
energy healing and blockage clearing that she learned as a Reiki Master.
We get to know Rhiannon and how she weaves her very personal combination
of her listed skills into a practice that helps provide clarity,
guidance, and healing for her clients.
Her website is: https://www.teatimetarotreadings.com
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app as well. Just give them
this link: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
LOA Daily - Debbie Garcia - Spirituality Gone Wild
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Debbie Garcia - Spirituality Gone Wild
Take a woman who suffered through abusive relationships, add in a hefty
dose of codependence, mix in some serious drug and alcohol abuse, add 5
cups of victimhood mentality, and the result is a homeless woman with
kids and a car living on a beach in California with nowhere to go.
Now take that same woman and mix in some serious attitude of gratitude,
a ton of mindfulness, and an extraordinary series of bumps along the road.
That’s Debbie G., and she graces our podcast today to tell some of her
story and the life lessons she picked up along the way. True inspiration!
Her website: https://www.spiritualitygonewild.com/
The Stream of David will be back next Tuesday.
Use the LOA Today app to send in your own questions for The Stream to
answer on an upcoming episode. Download it at:

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
LOA Today - On Being Worthy
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
On Being Worthy
Cindie receives a letter from a listener asking us to do a deep dive on
the topic of being and feeling worthy.
Jody wrote in to say:
Hi Cindie, I love listening to you on LOA Today. I have a suggestion for
a show topic. (I am a relatively new listener so apologies if you have
done this one before.)
I would love if you did a show about being/feeling "worthy". A lot of
the shows touch on the topic, but I would really benefit from a deep
dive into the subject. I've discovered my feelings of unworthiness are
entrenched from childhood, causing me feelings of defensiveness,
misdirected anger, and guilt. I would love an LOA Today episode that
would help us listeners unravel all that.
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app as well. Just give them
this link: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
LOA Today - The Top Of The Emotional Guidance Scale
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
The Top Of The Emotional Guidance Scale
As a follow-up to the last episode Cindie and Walt did together, we
discuss more about the upper end of the emotional guidance scale. We
also talk about the various ways to understand why people don’t always
live at the top of the scale.
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app as well. Just give them
this link: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Thursday Oct 22, 2020
LOA Today - The Emotional Guidance Scale - 10.22.20
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
The Emotional Guidance Scale
In this follow-up episode to one that Cindie and Walt recorded a couple
of weeks ago for local cable access TV, we discuss the role that the
emotional guidance scale plays in being a conscious creator.
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app as well. Just give them
this link: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
LOA Today - Dean McMurray Returns
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Dean McMurray Returns
Cindie isn’t feeling well today, so Dean McMurray steps into the breach
after his successful debut on the show last Friday.
We end up having a really fun discussion getting to know each other.
Dean finishes the podcast by running us through a
psychic-skills-building exercise he calls, “At The Mall.”
You can reach out to Dean at https://deanmcmurray.com/
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app as well. Just give them
this link: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
LOA Today - The Lovely Magician's Guide To Soulmate Success, by Cindie Chavez,
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
The Lovely Magician's Guide To Soulmate Success, by Cindie Chavez,
Chapters 8-12
We finish up discussing Cindie's ebook this week with an extensive look
at the importance of self-love and how when we allow someone else to be
disrespectful to ourselves we are really not loving ourselves much at all.
This week's chapters include:
An Open Heart
Safety & Self-love
The List
The Soulmate Relationship
You can follow along in the book as Cindie reads from it on the show.
It's included free in the LOA Today app.
Send in your questions about relationships and the Law of Attraction
using the LOA Today app, and Cindie will answer them!
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app as well. Just give them
this link: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Thursday Sep 17, 2020
LOA Today - At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Part 6
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Part 6
This has been a lot of fun for Cindie and Walt to revisit Neville in
this book they had previously not discovered. In this final portion of
the book, Neville walks the reader step-by-step using biblical
references to reinforce this theme through the journey from doubter and
one who hopes to one who knows without doubt.
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app. Just give them this
link: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe

Thursday Sep 03, 2020
LOA Today - Interviewing Isabel
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Thursday Sep 03, 2020
Interviewing Isabel
After a fun visit from Louis’ daughter, Isabel, on Monday, Louis
suggested that he would like to hear me interview Isabel directly
without his involvement. I decided to add Cindie Chavez to the mix, and
the result is this wonderful interview you get to hear today.
We’ll pick up on Neville Goddard’s book, At Your Command, again next week.
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app. Just give them this
link: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe