
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
LOA Today - At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Part 4
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Part 4
This episode is all about tithing, a topic we have not previously
encountered with Neville’s books. Both Cindie and Walt previously had
unfavorable ideas about tithing as it was originally taught by the
Church, but Neville’s take on it is completely different … and very cool
The concept as Neville explains it brings to mind a few real-world
examples that we discuss during the podcast, including the concept of
TIPS. Most people think of a tip as something you leave as an extra on a
bill at a restaurant, but it actually has an entirely different meaning.
TIPS is an acronym that means, “To Insure Proper Service.”
So here’s our tip:
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Thursday Aug 13, 2020
LOA Today - At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Part 3
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Part 3
We begin today with the announcement that Cindie’s e-book, The Lovely
Magician’s Guide To Soulmate Success, is now a part of the LOA Today app!
Cindie then answers a question from Josie about creative pursuits in the
arts being high-vibration activities.
Once we return to discussing Neville’s book, we focus on the Neville
decoder ring to understand the metaphors Neville uses in this section of
the book.
Among the most important is the metaphor of the grasshopper among
giants, in which we catch a glimpse of just how immensely powerful we
source energy creators really are!
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link: https://www.loatoday.net/subscribe

Friday Aug 07, 2020
LOA Today - Michele Blood Visits LOA Today
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Michele Blood Visits LOA Today
Michele has hobnobbed with some of the biggest names in the industry:
Bob Proctor, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and others. But as
we discover in our interview with her today, she’s more than just a
high-flying celeb. She actually has an important story to share about
her own journey from the depths of depression to the heights of a joyful
and abundant life. She also has a FREE GIFT for all of our listeners,
including Michele’s new book, The Magic Of Affirmation Power that you
can get FOR FREE by visiting http://micheleblood.com/yourdailydose/
Michele was hurt in a terrible accident just when her singing career was
taking off in the late 1980s. She was laid up in the hospital for
months, was given a horrible prognosis, and fell into a deep depression.
In the depths of her depression, someone popped a cassette tape of Earl
Nightingale reading Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich into a cassette
player. She couldn’t move anyway, so she was sort of forced to hear it.
But when he got to the part where Hill describes healing his newborn son
of congenital deafness over a period of years, it gave her hope for her
own recovery.
What followed, as happens so often in cases where people experience such
high levels of trauma, was a series of miracles that catapulted her into
a lifestyle she had never dreamed was possible. Her story will inspire
and delight you.
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Thursday Aug 06, 2020
LOA Today - At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Part 2
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Part 2
After Walt and Cindie both talk for a moment about what they’re grateful
for in their lives, we pick up once again reading this Neville book that
we previously had not heard of.
It’s a return to Neville Day, and once again we find Neville addressing
basic concepts that we have heard him address so many times in the past.
Once again, God is consciousness and Jesus is imagination. Both Mary and
The Lord are awareness of being. And with these basics in place, Neville
pieces together the creative process that we implement using the “God
within us”.
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Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
LOA Daily - The Relief And Release That Accompanies Instant Self-Healing
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
The Relief And Release That Accompanies Instant Self-Healing
Ami couldn’t join us today because of a family matter that came up. So
we’ll be discussing out of body experiences next week instead of this week.
However, that doesn’t mean that we lacked good material for this week.
Louis relates a story of how he got quite sick the night before today’s
podcast recording session, then put to use many of the tools in his
toolkit to heal himself instantly. Yes, one moment he was pretty sick,
and the next moment he was healed, and he KNEW he was healed!
This is what happens when one finally learns to live nearly all of the
time in a high-vibrational state while simultaneously appreciating the
value of contrast.
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Friday Jul 31, 2020
LOA Today - Are You A Flat Earther Or A Round Earther?
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Are You A Flat Earther Or A Round Earther?
Walt answers a couple of questions from Avinash, and then the pair take
a swing at some of the questions The Stream addressed on Tuesday.
Tell a friend to tell a friend about the new LOA Today app!

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
LOA Daily - Joel Elston Pays Us A Visit
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Joel Elston Pays Us A Visit
Cindie has been dealing with some illness the past few days, and while
she’s feeling better, we both thought it would be best for her to take
the day off.
Fortunately for us, our old friend Joel Elston had some last-minute time
available in his calendar for a return visit!
We spend most of the show talking about the many wonderful opportunities
and situations that are playing out right now, before our eyes, in the
midst of Covid, racial tensions, economic downturns, and all of the
other horrible stuff the media want us to focus our attention on.
But as we explain during the conversation today, there are so many
amazing seeds of growth being planted today it’s actually impossible to
count them all.
But we can certainly enjoy the ride!
Enjoy the conversation, and also, tell a friend to tell a friend about
the LOA Today app. Give them this link to subscribe:

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
LOA Today - At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 1
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
At Your Command, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 1
It’s been awhile since we’ve done a Neville Goddard book cover-to-cover,
and we both missed doing them. So when some listeners asked for more
Neville Goddard commentary, Cindie stumbled across a Neville book we
hadn’t seen before.
Chapter 1 lays out some Neville concepts we’ve heard before, helping to
establish its place in his portfolio of work. He emphasizes the I AM
conception of what God really is. He drives home his primary concepts
about consciousness. And he lays the foundation for another clear
explanation about how word becomes reality. And he reaffirms his claim
that the Bible is not an historical document, but rather is a
psychological drama.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
LOA Today - The Friendship Diet with Sheri Jacobs
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
The Friendship Diet with Sheri Jacobs
Another listener joins us on the podcast today, this time the author of
a book about relationships that appeals to the palate as well. The
Friendship Diet is Sheri’s attempt to help people going through the
trials of trying to reconnect to their inner being in the midst of
chaotic relationship patterns.
It becomes apparent to both Cindie and Walt that food as a metaphor
isn’t just something that Sheri does in her book. It reflects how she
expresses her thinking about her own relationships to herself and about
how she relates to others regarding relationship issues.
Playing on themes like “comfort food relationships”, “empty calorie
relationships” and the like she weaves a tapestry of that is more like a
menu of human behavior patterns in their relationships.
Walt observes toward the end of the podcast that by having some
listeners on the show as guests, he has come to realize how nice and
truly kind his listenership really is. It’s a trait that all of the
co-hosts appreciate very much. So thank you for listening, listeners!
It feels great to actually LIKE our audience!
To subscribe to the LOA Today podcast via iPhone, iPad, or iPod,
download our app at:
To subscribe to the LOA Today podcast on an Android device, download our
app at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=loa.today
Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
LOA Today - 07.09.20
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Introducing Ami Blackford
When Louis de Souza first joined the show, it happened this way. He was
a listener, and he reached out to me via email one day to say that he
really would like the opportunity to come on the show sometime. So I
brought him on with Joel Elston, who at that time was co-hosting the
Thursday show with me. Today, we introduce another listener who is doing
a Louis de Souza. Today is her audition. Will she pass the audition?
Spoiler Alert: She’ll be back next Monday!
After that fateful podcast, Joel told me that if there was any way I
could get Louis onto the show on a regular basis that it would help the
show immeasurably. He was right.
This time, I didn’t need any prompting. Amy’s audition was a home run.
The chemistry with Louis in particular was awesome. So we are looking
forward to having her join us Mondays on a regular basis.