
Friday Jul 03, 2020
LOA Today - Crazy People Saying Crazy Things
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Crazy People Saying Crazy Things
Don’t look for any of the usual, high-quality entertainment from this
episode because you won’t find it here. This one went off the wall and
then stayed off the wall.
Then it kind of slid off toward Alpha Centauri.
On the other hand, we did a LOT of laughing. #spoileralert
#deliberatelyvegan #supernatural
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Thursday Jul 02, 2020
LOA Today - The Real Meaning Of Self-Love
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
The Real Meaning Of Self-Love
More and more people are hearing these days that self-love is important,
but most who haven’t deliberately practiced it before aren’t always sure
where to start.
So in this episode we explore the concept in much greater detail with
special attention given to mirror work.
There are many great processes out there in the wild that we can do, but
mirror work is far-and-away the most effective thing we can do to build
our self-love.
Cindie and Walt do a deep dive into mirror work and talk about some of
their personal experiences with it.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
LOA Today - One Minute High Vibe Daily Process
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
One Minute High Vibe Daily Process
Walt begins the show by talking about an experiment he did this morning
with his daily morning processes. This process produced amazing results
on just the first try after only one minute and four seconds of
Cindy “piles on” by talking about habit stacking and the value of
combining processes together. She also talks about “morning pages” and
the remarkable results achieved by people who use this journaling
technique every morning.
This all leads to an extended discussion about personal power and the
impact for the better building our personal power has, not only on
ourselves, but also in surprising ways that it happily and unexpectedly
affects others in our lives.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Friday Jun 12, 2020
LOA Today - Reworking Your Blueprint
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Reworking Your Blueprint
Dan very casually starts talking about a concept that really catches
Walt’s and Alyx’s attention, the idea that besides old thoughts
vibrating in our subconscious minds, there can also be items in our
“blueprint” from past lives, alternative universes, etc. that are
impacting our conscious creation experiences.
If you’ve ever worked on something in yourself, and you think you’ve
finally gotten it licked, then suddenly one day it emerges again
seemingly out of nowhere, that’s usually a good sign that you’ve got
something on your blueprint popping up again.
The concept is very similar and compatible with the kind of energy
healing work that Linda Armstrong talks about on the Friday podcasts.
Also, we give listeners a “heads-up” about some special guests we have
coming to visit the show next week. That’s how we kick of the episode today.
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To talk with us on the phone go to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
LOA Today - The True Meaning Of Signs
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
The True Meaning Of Signs
People often wonder about signs and ask questions about what signs mean.
But in this episode you’ll learn that signs aren’t always something you
should pay attention to!
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
LOA Today - The Full Range Of Emotions
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
The Full Range Of Emotions
We begin today by talking about “spiritual bypassing” with Cindie
mentioning people who only want to feel positive emotions and block
themselves off from anything even slightly negative, while Walt takes
the opposite tack by identifying people who accuse others of “spiritual
bypassing” because they’re not joining in on staying in the anger that
the accuser is emoting.
It all starts with Walt telling about how he kind of ran into a brick
wall and had to do something he normally doesn’t like to do. He had to
take a nap before the podcast! But today his body took over and said,
“Walt, you can either go take a nap, or you can fall to the floor. The
choice is yours!”
This led into the “spiritual bypassing” conversation in which both of us
end up applauding being in contact with our full range of emotions,
while acknowledging that with all that is going on in the world these
days it can also be quite exhausting to deal with the huge amounts of
emotion we are dealing with today.
Today’s discussion becomes a fascinating microcosm of the larger world
situation, and Cindie leads us through some exercises to help us
reconnect with our inner selves and recharge our batteries at a time
when we most need a recharge.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Friday May 29, 2020
LOA Today - Appreciate Great Weather
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Appreciate Great Weather
We often talk about various strategies to get into that high-flying
place. Sometimes, the universe makes it easy on us. The weather we’ve
experienced in the Northeastern part of the U.S. the past few days
illustrates this perfectly.
This starting point launches the three of us into discussing more ways
and reasons to get into that high flying place, including a discussion
about the happy impact we have on others due to our own high vibration,
even when we don’t realize that we’re affecting them in this way.
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Watch our livestream at:
To talk with us on the phone go to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday May 28, 2020
LOA Today - Finding Ways To Feel Good During Stressful Times
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Finding Ways To Feel Good During Stressful Times
We start off today with a couple stories that demonstrate the benefits
involved in not worrying about how something is going to happen, and the
episode evolves into a really impactful discussion about the personal
power that we all have that we can either use or abandon. We also
address some really good questions from our livestream audience.
One of those stories involved the launch of the first commercial space
ship with humans on board. We didn’t know until after the show was over
that the launch had been postponed until Saturday, which means we both
get to watch it live after all. Woo hoo!
After the show, Cindie texted me, “Were you responsible for the weather?
I texted back, “I don’t know. Maybe we both were!”
It’s so great being in the vortex!
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Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday May 21, 2020
LOA Today - Which Is Better: Positive Stuff or Stuff You Like?
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Which Is Better: Positive Stuff or Stuff You Like?
A controversial conversation in a Facebook Abraham-Hicks group provides
interesting grist for today’s show. We talk about the nature of
“positive” and “negative” and how those words actually do a poor job of
conveying what we prefer or don’t prefer in life.
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Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Working With The Law: 11 Truth Principles for Successful Living, by
Raymond Holliwell, Part 4
This week we tackle Chapter 7, The Law of Resistance and Chapter 8, The
Law of Forgivenness. Walt comments how resistance is actually his
favorite topic because it’s the most challenging concept we conscious,
deliberate creators face. The panel discusses a number of strategies for
identifying and overcoming resistance, including clearing it energetically.
We also agree that forgiveness is one of the most important things we
can do for ourselves. Rita also talks about selfishness and how the word
tends to have a negative connotation. So she recommends using the word
“selfing”, which takes much of the sting out of the word. It makes it
easier to say, “I’m selfing today” or something similar.
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Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show can do so by going to:
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.