
Thursday May 14, 2020
LOA Today - Our Relationships With Our Own Minds
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Our Relationships With Our Own Minds
Cindie begins today by talking about how we experience stress any time
we experience any kind of change.
This leads to a really interesting discussion about the role of the
conscious and subconscious minds in what we are aware of … and what we
are not aware of, along with some good strategies for overcoming hidden
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Thursday May 07, 2020
LOA Today - Our Primary Relationship
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Our Primary Relationship
We often think about our relationship with our partner as being our
primary relationship, but in truth our primary relationship is the one
we have with ourselves.
Cindie and Walt talk about some of the things we can do to help
ourselves get through these trying times much more easily.
Cindie tells a story about a couple who went ballistic on Cindie and her
husband Scott for having the temerity to drive around the couple while
they were discussing things next to a golf cart in the middle of the
street. For Cindie, it was an opportunity to practice choosing how she
was going to respond to such a situation rather than doing the typical
knee-jerk fighting back response.
She also gives a really good suggestion about how to take advantage of
sleep to bring needed solutions to us during our waking hours.
And Walt tells how he unwittingly uses sleep to get himself to stop
focusing on what he doesn’t want!
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
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Thursday Apr 30, 2020
LOA Today - Homeschooling, Self-Schooling, And What To Do During The Quarantine
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Homeschooling, Self-Schooling, And What To Do During The Quarantine
Cindie and Walt explore some of the stories they’ve heard and
experiences they’ve have with what people are doing during the quarantine.
They talk about parents dealing with homeschooling their kids for the
first time and give some advice about how to make it a lot easier.
They also touch on what’s happening with the primary relationships
themselves and how being forced together is causing some couples to
rethink whether they want to be married in the first place.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
LOA Today - Joel Elston Returns To LOA Today For One Day
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Joel Elston Returns To LOA Today For One Day
This episode was a total labor of love for Walt as he welcomes back his
long-time co-host to fill in for Cindie Chavez, who was off today
celebrating her birthday.
Joel Elston did nearly 120 episodes with Walt during the earlier years
of the podcast, and bringing him back was just like old times.
We learn that Joel is just a few months away from finishing a book he’s
been working on for a number of years called, The Law of Action. It
emphasizes all of the reasons why Joel so firmly believes from both his
practice as a therapist and later as a life coach, as well as from his
own personal experiences that taking action is one of the best
attraction-based things you can do.
This runs contrary to what so many LOA teachers teach, but it actually
makes sense when we understand that the purpose for taking action is to
shake things up, to give yourself a change of perspective. And in
gaining that new perspective, we allow some pretty amazing things to happen.
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To talk with us on the phone go to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
LOA Today - Your Relationship With Yourself
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Your Relationship With Yourself
The most important relationship of all is the one you have with
yourself. Today Cindie and Walt talk about various ways to improve our
conversations with ourselves and ultimately our relationships with
Cindie also gives some top tips on how to improve your relationships
with the people in you’re family whom you are spending so much time with
at home in these days of quarantine.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
LOA Today - Feeling Negative Emotions In Our Relationships With Everything
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Feeling Negative Emotions In Our Relationships With Everything
When we think about being deliberate creators, many of us in LOA circles
focus intently on trying to only feel positive emotions. But Cindie
makes the case today for allowing ourselves to feel the negative
emotions, not for the purpose of living in them, but instead for the
purpose of moving through them to let go of them.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
LOA Today - Cut Yourself Some Slack
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Cut Yourself Some Slack
We continue last Wednesday’s discussion about our relationship with
ourselves, and we end up exploring quite a few very useful strategies
for cutting ourselves some slack so that we can better handle the times
we’re currently living through.
There are so many different ways that we learn to beat ourselves up,
very often not even realizing that we’re doing it. Cindie explains why
judging ourselves in a moralistic way is really very different from
judging the difference between what we like and what we don’t like,
giving us some very useful tips on how to tell one from the other and
how to change our internal dialogue when the super critical side of us
comes out.
We also spend a significant amount of time talking about the wants and
desires of our shadow selves.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
LOA Today - Your Relationship With Yourself
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Your Relationship With Yourself
We’ve spent a lot of time the past few Wednesdays talking about our
relationships with everyone and everything in our lives. Today we turn
inward and talk about our relationships with ourselves.
Relationship expert and life coach Cindie Chavez shares some poignant
insights about what it takes to build a stronger relationship with
yourself, particularly in these trying times we’re all living through.
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Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
LOA Today - Handling Stress In Relationships During Stressful Times
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Handling Stress In Relationships During Stressful Times
Cindie and I continue yesterday’s discussion with Dan by focusing
specifically on human relationships and how the extraordinary events we
are currently living affect those relationships.
Cindie outlines some really effective strategies for coping with these
new situations, starting with recognizing what feelings are really
driving the situation.
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Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Friday Mar 13, 2020
LOA Today - Coronavirus And The Law Of Attraction
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Coronavirus And The Law Of Attraction
The pandemic is on everyone’s lips today. It’s dominating all of the
newscasts. It’s all over social media. And people are freaking out about it.
Alyx has a lot of personal experience with anxiety issues, so this
seemed like the perfect time to address what is largely a negative
topic. We try to stay on the happy side of things, but we aren’t afraid
to delve into the tough stuff either, and we proved it again today.
What we came up with were some really good strategies for not only
continuing to attract health to all of our own lives, but we also set
forth a group healing effort to help those who are currently fighting
for their lives with the disease. We’re hoping that the combined efforts
of the approximately 650 of us, including all of you listeners, to focus
our attention on helping these afflicted people back to help will have a
measurable impact on the pandemic. Please join us!
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Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
To talk with us on the phone go to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.