
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
LOA Today - Relationships Q&A
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Wednesday Relationships Q&A
We asked for questions from listeners, and we got some great ones. Keep
them coming!
Josephine (via YouTube): I love your podcast. I have an idea for
something you can discuss with this series of
relationships-relationships with artistic creative projects, like Walt’s
relationship with computer programming. You can discuss book writing and
the importance of letting the writing flow as opposed to forcing. The
same goes for attracting romantic relationships.
Nashia: My question is how to move on. At times we are so hurt with
people. How can we trust again? How can we move on to the next
relationship? How can we basically deal with resistance, and how can we
allow a guy or a girl to come near us in order to start love from scratch?
Also, we drew some questions from social media conversations.
Natalia: How can I stop my anxiety? It has been really affecting me
recently at work and in personal life. I have been very worried about
coronavirus, relationships, and feeling stressed in general at work. Not
coping well and appreciate any advice.
Margot: Dear Abraham friends, I am currently dealing with a very strong
manipulating colleague and I notice it’s giving me a hard time. I feel
emotional and stressed. I am trying to find a way to change my point of
attention but experience that it is difficult to let go of the stress.
Do you have any suggestions or advice how to change it? And why did I
attract this?
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going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
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Thursday Feb 27, 2020
LOA Today - Relationships and the Law of Attraction
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Relationships and the Law of Attraction
After nearly two years of discussing the books of Neville Goddard,
Cindie and Walt begin a new track today focusing upon relationships. And
while we mean interpersonal relationships, as Cindie points out in this
first episode on the topic, all of our life is about relationships.
We have relationships not only with other people but with money, our
health, our jobs, our day-to-day concerns … really we have relationships
with every aspect of our lives!
This is going to be an ongoing topic for the Wednesday edition of the
show heading into the foreseeable future, and we welcome your input. So
if you have a question or a topic you would like us to discuss, contact
us, and we will include your topic or question on the show.
You can reach us on Facebook, via the website, or by email. So send
those questions and topics in so we can talk about the relationships in
all of our lives and how to make better ones.
Next week we plan to go into more detail about how to build up that
self-love that we discuss during this show, the self-love that is so
intrinsic to a happier, healthier you in all of your relationships.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
LOA Today - Focusing On Better Health
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Focusing On Better Health
At least, that was our intention with today’s topic, but we also delved
into death and dying, personal choices, and some of the more
controversial viewpoints expressed in the Conscious Creation world today.
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And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
LOA Today - Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 8
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 8
Entitled “The Water and The Blood,” this is one of those chapters that
originally kept Cindie and Walt away from the idea of reading all of
Neville’s books, which is why we settled on discussing his other books
first. But now that we get down to actually reading it, once again we
find that our original preconceptions don’t match up with what Neville
actually tries to tell us, much to our joint relief!
Once again, we pull out our Neville decoder rings while reading the
chapter and learn that Neville believes that “water” represents the
knowledge of how his Law of Assumption works, while “blood” represents
actually applying that knowledge in real life … not at all what we
originally thought it would mean!
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
LOA Today - Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapters 6 & 7
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapters 6 & 7
This chapter starts to clarify the book’s title by explaining the
meaning behind an obscure verse in the Book of Daniel within the context
of Neville’s understanding of the metaphorical nature of biblical teaching.
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Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
LOA Today - Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 5
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 5
This chapter bears the title, “The Game of Life,” which is a very
similar title to one of the books by a favorite author of Cindie’s,
Florence Scovill Schinn. That book is entitled, The Game of Life and How
to Play It.
We both express amazement when after beginning the show talking about
how it’s so much easier to help others than to help ourselves, we see
read Neville quoting Shakespeare, “I can easier teach twenty what were
good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching.”
In fact, this becomes a “me too” moment for Neville as he acknowledges
early in the chapter that he has as much trouble as anyone in applying
the teachings that he shares with his audience.
The chapter’s focus is on the importance of understanding what he calls
“the rules of life” because we need to know both the object of the game
and the rules of the game. And as he points out, with life the rules
never change.
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Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Dec 26, 2019
LOA Today - Merry Christmas, Law of Attraction!
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Thursday Dec 26, 2019
Merry Christmas, Law of Attraction!
How do we understand Christmas now that we’ve become Law of Attraction
conscious creators? Louis and Walt discuss this, plus we tell discuss
the situation of one of our listeners who asked for help, and Louis
shares the story of someone he knows who inexplicably was attracting
horrible things into her life.
Also, Louis announced the opening of his new website: Our Life GPS at
https://ourlifegps.com/. If you are interested in joining their January
2020 special group of 8, visit the site now to sign up, because spots
will go fast.
Astrid is off this week, but she’ll be back next week for our last show
of the 2019 season.visi
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And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
LOA Today - Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 4
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 4
Chapter 4 is entitled, “The Scale of Being,” but it’s really about
coming to terms with our dominant intentions, regardless of whether we
consciously intended them.
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Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
LOA Today - Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 3
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Seedtime and Harvest, by Neville Goddard, Chapter 3
Entitled “The Gift of Faith,” Chapter 3 could easily have been named,
“The True Story of Cain and Able.”
The chapter includes two stories (which we always love) to illustrate
why it’s so important to focus more of our attention on our imagination
and less of our attention on “what is.”
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Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Seedtime and Harvest: A Mystical View of the Scriptures, by Neville
Goddard, Chapter 1 and 2
We’re back with another Neville book for Neville Day!
Neville begins this book in Chapter 1 by clarifying that the Bible is a
psychological, symbolic play rather than an historical report about real
people. Then in Chapter 2 he launches into his interpretation of The
Four Mighty Ones. He presents the concept using two different symbolic
approaches, which when taken together point-for-point illustrate clearly
how Neville views the human soul.
One model is based upon the “play” of our lives having a producer,
author, director, and actor. The other model relies upon the concept of
Jehovah’s King, Jehovah’s servant, Jehovah’s man, and Jehovah himself.
These are the four aspects of the human soul, and the two models
together reveal a number of interesting insights.
He concludes the chapter with two stories to illustrate how these
aspects play out in real-life manifestation situations. We especially
like the fact that he demonstrates they same kinds of stops and starts
in his own process that each of us also experience in our own processes.
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Our YouTube channel is at: https://bit.ly/2XRzhZD
Watch our livestream at:
Anyone who wants to talk to us on the show on Wednesdays can do so by
going to: https://zoom.us/j/8602645432
And for all of our existing LOA Today subscribers, please keep sharing
on your favorite social media channels that you’re listening to LOA
Today, so that more and more people can get their daily doses of happy.