
Friday Feb 12, 2021
LOA Today - The Fifth Dimension
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
We start with an email from Barbie saying:
“The livestream is quiet lately because you’ve done a phenomenal job at
promoting and directing everyone to the app! Well done to you and Dan’s
segues! I’m looking forward to the new ebook gift you will ‘soon’ be
sharing on the app as well.”
After that put a smile on our faces, we look at an Abraham-Hicks quote
to discuss where God is:
“You cannot be separated from that which you are calling God… People
hear us say, ‘Reach for the thought that feels the best.’ And they
think, ‘Oh no, I need to listen to what God wants.’ But aren’t we
talking about the same thing? Aren’t your emotions guiding you to that
Connection? And doesn’t the word God just set you off on all kinds of
tangents that don’t have anything to do with your relationship with that
which is this Eternal Energy of Love that is your Source?”
Finally, we look at the headline of a Popular Mechanics article that
claims that scientists are pretty sure they found a portal to the fifth
dimension. So Walt raises the question: is this the same fifth dimension
we talk about in spiritual circles?
As usual, the conversation then devolves into chaos, but then again we
love a little chaos on Thursdays.
Install our app: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
LOA Today - Wouldn't it be nice if..
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Monique and Walt spend the first quarter of the showing playing a
rousing game of “wouldn’t it be nice if”.
Then we share some emails from listeners.
We also address a problem a listener is having where she really limits
her options.
Use the LOA Today app to send in your question for us to discuss. To get
the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
LOA Today - More About Building Self-Love
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
More About Building Self-Love
Monique and Walt continue last week’s conversation on self-love,
starting with an email from listener Barbie, who couldn’t say “thank
you” enough times for the inspiration we gave to her.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your college experience
stories. I was so moved last week when I head this episode. Your story
resonated with me Walt when I first heard it having attended a large
university myself and having a similar experience albeit not as intense.
When I heard Monique’s too and having such a similar story I had to
wonder: were we all caught in a naive bubble of the 70’s -parents not
knowing how to prepare us for the new post Vietnam war attitudes and
influences – prior to the “just say no” campaign?
“I suddenly was given all the independence yet no self discipline
(curfews and parental structure evaporated) or solid study habits
established. I struggled socially because I had experienced the party
scene and it wasn’t appealing or affordable to continue! I had to work
to attend college where many I roomed with had family funding.
“Although I thought I was focused on acquiring an education I blew it
because, I realize after years of analyzing, I didn’t have the skill set
to prioritize my time and energy. I got off track, and my life took
turns I wouldn’t have intentionally manifested. I felt shame and
disappointment for years, which fortunately and finally lead me to the
LOA community through Louise Hay’s and Wayne Dyer’s works and eventually
to you and all your fabulous cohosts! (*Make sure Cindie comes back, by
the way!! She deserves a break, but we need her back!!)
“None of this was my parents fault. They definitely did all they knew to
do. I’ve learned since, but I believe if I had HEARD what you intend to
share with these young people, Walt, my life would have been different.
Trust me, it’s by no means bad, as I have learned in the last 8+ years
how to manifest and accept “this or something better” and find joy in
the avenues my life has traveled. I believe I would have had a more
direct route to my happiness.
“Yesterday’s show with Dean re: loving yourself is a powerful one too!!
I also would like to join in on the games.
“Please keep up the amazing work, helping us all to raise the vibe and
easily share the LOA app and thoughts with others to increase the
collective vibrations of the universe.
“Thank you for keeping me tuned in, building my self respect, and
brightening my world!
“I am forever grateful.”
Monique also shares some of the techniques she uses with her clients to
teach them how to get into a higher vibe place.
Also, Walt tells Monique about the book, Real Success Stories of the Law
of Attraction, that he did with a bunch of life coaches three years ago,
and she asks for the link to it. Here it is: https://amzn.to/3a78U97
Use the LOA Today app to send in your question for us to discuss. To get
the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
LOA Today - Introducing Monique Scott
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Introducing Monique Scott
Cindie Chavez is taking the next couple months off as a kind of
sabbatical, so Walt invited Monique Scott to fill in for her in the interim.
Monique was a guest on the show a couple of weeks ago, and she really
impressed everyone.
So asking her to join the team was a no-brainer, and she made it even
easier by immediately giving us an enthusiastic, “Yes!”
We started by reading a letter from listener Deborah talking about what
she liked about Monday’s show.
Then we got into an extended discussion about the importance of building
self-love, and this opened the door to reveal a number of surprising
similarities in Walt’s and Monique’s backgrounds and experiences,
including the fact that they both roomed with drug dealers in college!
This was a great first official episode with Monique, who is going to
work into the team here on LOA Today really well.
Use the LOA Today app to send in your question for us to discuss. To get
the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
LOA Today - Dream Interpretation And Speech Topics
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Dream Interpretation And Speech Topics
Cindie and Walt respond to a listener email asking for help with
interpreting a rather remarkable dream she experienced on New Year’s Day.
Also, they kick around some concepts that he has been exploring in
preparing his talk that he plans to give to college students.
If you would like to have your question asked and answered on the show
by Cindie, use the LOA Today app to send it in, and she will answer it!
To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/listen

Thursday Dec 31, 2020
LOA Today - Loving Yourself Enough
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Loving Yourself Enough
Walt has an epiphany the night before about the exact role that
self-love plays in the conscious creation process.
He makes that the subject of today’s episode.
Dean McMurray fills in for Cindie today, but going forward he’s the new
Tuesday co-host, and today he confirms through his performance that he’s
the right guy behind the mic.

Thursday Dec 24, 2020
LOA Today - Santa Claus and The Law of Attraction
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Santa Claus and The Law of Attraction
Daniel sends us a holiday-specific question that makes a perfect
discussion for today’s show.
He writes:
“Hey everyone happy holidays! Hey guys, love the show it’s really
helpful, fun and happy! I don’t know if you have ever discussed this
before but I thought it would fun to talk about Santa Claus and the law
of attraction. If there was enough belief from the world would we
manifest a physical Santa at the North Pole? I know that children
manifest the gifts under the tree and in a way that to me is a
manifestation of their belief in Santa. And I know that Rita and Linda
connect to archangel Michael and other saints. I wonder if they can
connect to Santa the same way. I also wonder about when we feel the
“Christmas spirit” are we connecting to Santa energy. Thanks for your
time. Who ever you want to ask is fine with me. Keep up the good work!”
The answer may blow your mind, but don’t worry. You’ll get over it.
If you would like to have your question asked and answered on the show
by Cindie, use the LOA Today app to send it in, and she will answer it!
To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
LOA Today - Collecting The Right Data Points
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Collecting The Right Data Points
Avinash sends us a question that becomes the basis for conversation in
today’s show.
“Hi wonderful team. I wanted to know if you people who understand how
LOA works — do you really care how much data is collected on you? It
seems to me that in the grand scheme of things Big Brother is nothing
compared to what the Universe knows about us — which is unconditional
and without judgement. Any thoughts? I would appreciate.”
If you would like to have your question asked and answered on the show
by Cindie, use the LOA Today app to send it in, and she will answer it!
To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Thursday Dec 10, 2020
LOA Today - Relationship Q&A
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Relationship Q&A
Deborah sends in an email asking us to go into more detail about “the
pruning sheers of revision”.
She writes:
“Thanks for the great show today, some really helpful stuff from both of
“Your talk of changing the past reminded me of a an episode you recorded
a few years ago on this show regarding revising the past with Neville
“I remember at the time the concept sort of blew my mind!
“I wonder if this might be a concept we could explore again?
“Of course you may feel that you already covered this in its entirety at
the time.
“Just a thought! Many thanks and hope you have a splendid day.”
We also field some questions posed by new listeners on Facebook.
Tina writes:
“I had two readings done previously about whether me and my boyfriend
are going to get married.
“They both said yes but that we are kinda different and will have some
“But now my boyfriend wants to break up with me as we have some problems
going on he loves me.
“I love him so much, but he can’t do it anymore.
“He doesn’t want to talk about it, and he already made up his mind with
no going back.
“I really don’t know what I should do.
“I love him so bad that I can’t even imagine myself without him..
“What I’m supposed to do?”
Disha wrote:
“I have been in a relationship for the past 3 years.
“We started dating in 2017.
“I manifested him into my life with the law of attraction.
“I’m sure because he was saying the same things I wanted, and he was
better than I imagined.
“He chased me a lot, but later I was disloyal to him at times over the
years .
“(Please don’t judge me) ..
“I feel regret about my behaviour from the bottom of my heart, and I
have only loved him in these 3 years, no one else..
“This year since the lockdown I could see his interest decreasing and I
became the one chasing and also I became very very negative and also I
recently found out he’s been disloyal too (not double dating) but
flirting around and talking to girls on dating apps .
“After the first year, I don’t know if I manifested this behaviour in
him because he was crazy in love with me, and I know for sure I
attracted him.”
“My affirmations were ‘ loyal, divine love , divine relationship etc etc ‘
I don’t know why is this happening.
“My heart says he’s the one, but I don’t have any trust in him.
“I can’t understand whether my higher self is telling me to give up or
hold on.
“I try to be grateful for him, and I do see some changes good changes,
but again I become negative and think of the disloyalty.
“What if this happens again?
“I’ve learnt my lesson that I should be 100 percent loyal, but I don’t
know what to do about this relationship.
“I feel so stuck, and I’ve been trying to detach.”
“In a way, I feel I attracted this experience to show me that I’m too
attached to him, and I’ve been trying to detach.
“What should I do when I get mixed answers from the universe?
“I know 100 percent that he has loved me, that he’s given me 100
percent, but I don’t know if I should trust him back or give up.
“I’m scared to trust him back and scared to believe 100 percent that
he’s the one, because what if I find something else in his phone?”
Tasfia wrote:
“Hello . I have a question , when I was 4 or 5, I would often watch my
parents fight in front of me .
“I know that if I don’t heal before I get into a relationship, the
patterns will come back, and I will engage in a fight with my partner too.
“So my question is: how to heal from this?
“How can I unlearn the pattern, so that I can have a peaceful relationship?”
If you would like to have your question asked and answered on the show
with Cindie, use the LOA Today app to send it in, and we will answer it!
To get the free LOA Today app go to: https://www.loatoday.net/download

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
LOA Today - Giving, Receiving, And Deciding When Not To Receive
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Giving, Receiving, And Deciding When Not To Receive
This episode starts with a warm email from a listener and then evolves
into a full discussion about giving, receiving, and deciding when not to
Amy sent the following email:
On a fairly recent podcast ( I don’t remember which one), you were
talking about how you came to LOA later in life. I wanted to thank you
for sharing because that is me as well. Very similar background it
seems. Since I am learning all this later in life, I feel like I missed
the boat. I now constantly keep telling myself that the past is the past
and try to get past the old regrets. I keep LOA-ing daily. Your podcast
has been super helpful.
We love getting questions and comments from readers, so use the LOA
Today app to send in your question or comment, and we will feature it on
the next episode that features the co-host you send it to!
Walt suggests that giving and receiving are part of a continuous circuit
and that it pays off for us to always be mindful of giving and receiving
at all times.
We also field a question from Nashia in the livestream about what to do
when someone gives you something that you don’t want, such as insults or
other abusive treatment.
Also, Walt shares the great news that the repairs to the LOA Today app
have been completed, and he asks that any listeners still having issues
with the app to send him a note using the question form on the app to
let him know what they’re experiencing. The more details you can supply,
the better!
Be sure to tell a friend about the LOA Today app as well. Just give them
this link: https://www.loatoday.net/download